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Решение: Контрольная работа №2. Вариант 1

Дата размещения:21.08.2017 16:35:21  Тип товара:file  Размер:98304

I.Form degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs.
Effectively, much, important, limited, good, new, hot, happy, correctly, far, well-known, near, comfortable, frequently.
II.Form comparative or superlative degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, given in brackets, according to the sense of the sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.Command economy relies (much) on planning than on prices.
2.(close) is the economy to the barter type, (wasteful) it is.
3.An increase in input prices makes the production (expensive).
4.Maths is no (long) a prime requirement for a career in accounting.
5.The (low) value of national currency gives rise to the (large) exports.
III.Rewrite the following sentences; put the adverbs, given in brackets, in the proper place. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.You are the last to arrive (always).
2.She is late (never).
3.Have you seen him (ever)?

4.He was able to carry his trunk {hardly).
5.Your English is better (now).
IV.Choose the right variant of the words, given in brackets (adjective or adverb). Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.I did not rest very (good/well).
2.It is not (good/well) for you to smoke.
3.I was (angry/angrily) at what he said.
4.He spoke (angry/angrily).
5.This is quite (clear/clearly).
6.This (clear/clearly) shows the difference.
V.Write the following numerals in words.
a)years: 1892, 1900, 1802,2000,2006, 1800.
b)372, 308, 2075, 2009, 1225483.
c)May 14, 1985, November 25, 2004.
-4^2/3/4(6, 2.35,54, 5/9.
e) 30-е годы XX века, 50-е годы XIX века.
VI.Choose the suitable pronoun from those given in brackets. Write the sentences and translate them into Russian.
1.She has no mistakes in (her, hers) test.
2.Bob is one of (our, ours, us) best students.
3.Don’t let (your, yours) your students to miss the classes. It won’t do (them, their) any good.
4.It is not (my, mine) bag. I’ve left (my, mine) at home.
5.Let (them, they, their) read the story again.
VII.Complete the sentences with the right pronoun (many/much, (a)few, (a)little). Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.He has got (many, much) useful information for our firm.
2.Unfortunately you’ve reached (little, few, a few) progress this month.
3.In the last twenty-four hours too (little, much, many) things happened.
4.I have (few, little) relatives in Minsk.
5.Are there (much, little, many) students among (your, yours) friends?
6.We haven’t got (many, much) time left.
7.He earns too (few, little) money and lives in a small house.
8.There is no need to hurry. We still have (a little, a few) minutes left.
MIL Translate the following sentences into English using reflexive pronouns.
1.Я сам отвечу на это письмо от агента по продаже недвижимости.
2.Он не любит говорить о себе.
3.Они хотят оплатить транспортные расходы сами.
4.Директор фирмы был здесь сам.
5.Мы сами застрахуем товар.
IX.Choose and fill in the proper pronoun. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.{Neither / each) of them recognized me.
2.Here are two dictionaries. You may take {either / neither) to translate the article.
3.They {every /both) graduated form the University last year.
4.They are going to get punished one way or {other/another).
5.He shook hands and had a few minutes’ talk with {each /every) of us.
X.Complete the sentences withf some, any, no or their derivatives. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.Graphs help economists understand and remember ... abstract ideas.
2.There is ... simple answer to most economic questions.
3.If... wants to put... on the notice board, please feel free.
4.... that alters prices has an influence on our lives.
5.... country can become a member of the Sterling Area without the con¬sent of the others.
XI.Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb in Indefinite or Continuous Tense. Translate the sentences into Russia
XII.Open the brackets and use the verb in the proper form of the Con-tinuous Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.He ... {to speak) on the phone. Don’t disturb him. It’s a very important call.
2.When I entered they {to discuss) something.
3.They ... {to develop) this product during two years.
4.The workers ... {to test) the new equipment the whole day tomorrow.
XIII.Translate the following sentences into English using the Past / the Present / the Future Indefinite or the Past / the Present t the Future Con¬tinuous Tense.
1.В настоящий момент наша компания подвергается большому риску.
2.Мы обсудили планы на второй семестр на вчерашнем собрании.
3.Какой журнал ты читал, когда я позвонил?
4.В какой институт ты будешь поступать?
5.Они будут обсуждать проект с 5 до 7 часов.
6.Наша фирма производит офисное оборудование.
XIV.Read the text. Translate the text into Russian in written form.
There are two kinds of banking institutions in the USA: a savings bank and a commercial bank. Savings banks primarily serve the consumer, commercial banks primarily serve businesses. One of the main differences between them is in tbe kind of loan they can grant. Savings banks can lend money to home buy-ers and home builders. Commercial banks can lend money for any purpose, such as buying a new сат or starting a business.
Commercial´ banks are classified into national banks (chartered and super-vised by Federal Government) and state banks (chartered and supervised by the state in which they are operated).
The United States has about 14,000 banks, of which 6,000 belong to the sys¬tem operated by the Federal Reserve Board. Through its member banks, the Federal Reserve issues money, acts as a financial clearinghouse and establishes required cash reserves that banks must maintain. By increasing and decreasing these reserve requirements, and by changing the interest rate for loans to banks from the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, the Federal Reserve Board can regulate the money supply and thereby attempt to control the rate of inflation in
the economy... .
Individual savings are usually deposited in interest-bearing accounts to sev¬eral types of institutions - banks, savings and loan associations and credit unions that are usually established by employee groups. Americans also have the opin¬ion of placing part of their money in savings bonds and treasury bills issued by the federal government, or in privately operated mutual funds that invest the money in the stock market.
XV.Put all types of questions to the following sentences (General, Spe¬cial, Alternative, Disjunctive, and Question to the Subject). Mark the ques¬tion’s type...,
1.Savings banks primarily serve the consumer, commercial banks primarily
serve businesses.
2.Through its member banks, the Federal Reserve issues money, acts as a financial clearinghouse and establishes required cash reserves that banks must maintain.
XVI.Answer the questions on the text in written form.
1.How many kinds of banking institutions are there in the USA?
2.What is the difference between the savings banks and commercial banks?
3.What are commercial banks classified into?
4.What role does the Federal Reserve Board play?
5.How can the Federal Reserve Board regulate the money supply and to control the rate of inflation in tbe economy?
6.Where do Americans keep their money?

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